正宗原裝進口紅酒企業(yè)年會接待用酒婚慶酒水禮品團購?fù)扑]寶石翠古堡 -“耶魯斯”特級陳釀干紅葡萄酒(西班牙酒王)
產(chǎn)地:Ribera del Duero
等級:Cran Reserva DO
葡萄品種: 100% Tempranillo
零售價: 6800.00
1982年對于葡萄酒來說是一個非常好的年份,Alejandro Fernández先生憑借著自己的經(jīng)驗要用同一種葡萄來釀造出兩種完全不一樣風(fēng)格的酒。首先他用一半的葡萄整串的放置在老的石槽中壓碎,用*傳統(tǒng)的方法釀造。剩下的保留部分葡萄梗放在不銹鋼桶中發(fā)酵。兩種酒都得到了很好的結(jié)果。**種用傳統(tǒng)方法釀造的酒只有在西班牙銷售,第二種用新的方法釀造的酒出口到世界各地,從而也奠定了他在葡萄酒世界的聲望。
但是Alejandro wanted先生不滿足于這小小的成就,他用剩下的各2000升的酒混合,然后在舊的美國橡木桶中陳年3年*后得到了非常復(fù)雜平衡的酒,在1986年裝瓶。
“耶魯斯”特級陳釀干紅葡萄酒傳達給人任何事情都有他的兩面性,從工藝上來說他融合了古老傳統(tǒng)和現(xiàn)代的的釀酒技術(shù),完美的把傳統(tǒng)于現(xiàn)代融合在了一起,預(yù)示著過去和將來。只有在*優(yōu)秀的年份才會生產(chǎn),目前只生產(chǎn)了5個年份,1982、1986、1991、1994、1995,平均的產(chǎn)量6000瓶左右,可以說是一瓶難求。(入選《稀世珍釀》世界百大葡萄酒、被Parker贊譽為西班牙的Petrus、英國公眾葡萄酒觀察家雜志把這款酒例為世界上*好的八種酒之一。法國酒類指南Le Guide Hachette Vins也把這款酒列為世界上*尊貴的100種酒之一)
“Janus” is a wine that is different from the rest. It is complex, balanced, rounded, intense and full of nuances. Named after a Roman god, it is a wine that looks towards both the past and the future and merges together old and new winemaking techniques perfectly, expressing the best of both.
The 1982 vintage was one of the best in living memory. This lead Alejandro Fernández to carrying out a unique experience: making two different wines from the same grapes.
Firstly, he took half the bunches and placed them whole into the old stone wine press to make wine in the traditional way. Then he de-stemmed the remaining grapes and fermented them in the winery’s stainless steel tanks.
Both wines satisfied their maker. The first wine, which was made in the traditional way, was only sold in Spain. The second, however, was the first Pesquera wine to be exported and opened up the way to the winery’s world-wide renown in the wine world.
But Alejandro wanted to go just a little bit further. He mixed the last 2,000 litres of each kind of wine in equal measures and placed the resulting wine to “rest” for three years in old American oak barrels. The end result was a totally unique, extraordinarily complex and balanced wine bottled in 1986 that was different from the rest.
The wine was named “Janus” after the Roman god of doors, thresholds (arrivals and departures), communication routes and anything that has a beginning. Janus is a two-faced god who looks towards both the past and the future, just like the wine that carries his name and merges together ancient and modern winemaking techniques perfectly while revealing the best of each.
Only 6,000 bottles were produced during the first Janus vintage in 1986, which appeared in the autumn of 1988.